Peace Vision Team ~
with many thanks to our rotating team of incredible volunteers!
See photos below......

Sue Averett, MA, MSW
Director/Guide and Co-facilitator
Sue feels very honored to have stepped into the direction of the Peace Vision. A friend and student of the Reynas and their indigenous teachings and practices for more than three decades, Sue was asked to take the vision forward when Laynee and Sonne made the decision to retire and focus upon their writing and their art. Sue is a career social worker and a Reiki Master Teacher who practices and teaches energy healing on an island in the Puget Sound.
More info about Sue and her background at WhidbeyIslandReiki.com.

Erick Westphal
Guide and Co-facilitator
Erick has many years of experience as a social worker, youth mento​r, educator and advocate, having run leadership and support groups for children, teens, and adults. He is a certified life coach, and active participant/co-facilitator of men's spirituality groups with The Mankind Project. Erick also does improv and acting, and has directed dramas highlighting teen experiences and social issues.