The Peace Vision Founders

Elayne (Laynee) Silva-Reyna
Elayne Bluebird Silva-Reyna aka Laynee Reyna, is known as Bluebird Woman by her Native​ American and close friends. She is a spiritual seer, ordained interfaith minister and an elder of the San Juan Intertribal Council. A visionary and peacemaker, she and her husband Sonne Reyna founded One Earth One People Peace Vision which has been dedicated to promoting peace throughout the worl​d, through various multi-cultural events, art installations, workshops and presentations. Laynee has written and illustrated two books, Wolf Dreamer of the Longest Night Moon and Full Moon Over Grizzly Island, both available on amazon.com. She is a national award-winning artist and her lifetime creation of art, poetry, and storytelling has inspired collectors far and wide. She was born at dawn on the thirteenth moon of the Winter Solstice in the Land of First Light. Laynee's heritage is an eastern Algonquin tribe and she lives in a traditional way. Some other aspects of her life included her years as a surgical nurse and honored veteran, and becoming a licensed private pilot. She joined The Flying Doctors and flew on volunteer missions to Mexico to help aid children born with cleft palates. Laynee continues to write, paint, and cherish her beautiful children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
On Martin Luther King Day, 2023, Laynee was honored with a most well-deserved lifetime achievement award in recognition of the many ways she has served her community and the world in facilitating good relations between world cultures and faiths, and has helped to raise consciousness around the art of peacemaking being one that begins inside each one of us. Based within her traditional indigenous wisdom, she has taught that we are the ones who set the example for others by offering our kindness, love and compassion to humanity, animals and all of life.

Peace Chief Sonne Reyna
Juan Jose Reyna JR, aka Peace Chief Sonne Rey​na, Apache-Yaqui has been a traditional Sun Dancer, Sun Dance Society Peace Chief, keynote speaker and panelist at world summits and conferences addressing global warming and societal transformation. He's also been a consultant on ceremonial healing for reconciliation with the sacredness of all life. He is co-founder with Laynee Bluebird Silva-Reyna of One Earth One People Peace Vision and of the California Indian Markets and World Cultures Festival in historic San Juan Bautista, California, which was held for over thirty-five years. He and Laynee were panelists at the 100th Anniversary Appeal for World Peace at The Hague in 1999. Sonne is also an award-winning artist and his oil paintings and interviews can be found on youtube. He is a disabled veteran of the Vietnam War and member of the VFW. During President Jimmy Carter’s administration, he worked as an equal opportunity specialist for H.E.W., the Office for Civil Rights in Dallas, Texas. He has created CD's with Steven Halpern: Healing Songs for Earth & Sky, and Drum Spirit.
Books & CDs by (or featuring) Laynee Reyna & Sonne Reyna
and some of their art pieces

More of Laynee's art